Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Finally, i had finalized my dissertation topic =)

Dissertation topic: The Accessibility of tourism for the visually impaired tourist.

Research objectives:
•To be able to define the meaning of “enjoyment” for visually impaired tourist.
•To identify some facilities for the benefit of the visually impaired tourist.
•To assess the needs of facilities in order to satisfy their visits to a particular destinations.
•To identify their motivations in visiting a chosen destination.

im just hoping that i could finish this topic that i chose. At the moment, I am currently having a hard time searching for literature to support my research.

Monday, 22 February 2010

dissertation time.... i'm thinking to do about tourism for partially blind person regarding the accessibility and what kind of satisfaction do they get as a tourist if tourism is more on seeing good places.

Hope I can work on this topic...

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Crtitical Research Method

Tiffany, Mehran and Me(faye) chose the Greenwich Maritime Museum as our destination. Listed below are the 10 questions we had developed:

1. How old are you?
2. Where are you from?
3. Is this your first time to come here?
4. What motivates you to visit this museum?
5. What means of transportation did you used?
6. Are the signages useful in looking for the museum?
7. Are you also going to visit other site nearby?
8. Are there any activities or event offered by the museum?
9. What kind of facilities can you find inside?
10. Will you recommend to your friends to visit this museum?